Operation Dumb and Dumber
When a few days ago Mexican President Calderón stated that the U.S. was responsible for much of his country's violence, given the fact that Americans were supplying his people with guns on a grand scale, he may or may not have known how true his words were. Now, it's been revealed that the very U.S. agency in charge of fighting illegal guns, the ATF, had an operation called "Fast and Furious" by which they allowed guns to enter Mexico so that they would find their way to the drug cartels, at which point they, along with the federales, would round them up, in typically Hollywood fashion.
Except it doesn't always happen that way. Life doesn't follow the script. Sometimes, those guns are used to kill the very same people that are supposed to prevent that, like a U.S. Border Patrol officer. It's embarrassing, to say the least, that law enforcement engages in these fun and games when people's lives are on the line. The U.S. Government, always so quick to criticize other countries' failures, has really made a fool of itself.
Except it doesn't always happen that way. Life doesn't follow the script. Sometimes, those guns are used to kill the very same people that are supposed to prevent that, like a U.S. Border Patrol officer. It's embarrassing, to say the least, that law enforcement engages in these fun and games when people's lives are on the line. The U.S. Government, always so quick to criticize other countries' failures, has really made a fool of itself.
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