"If You Build It, They [Won't] Come"
Conventional "wisdom" holds that building or construction is the centerpiece of economic recovery or stimulus. So, whenever the economy turns sour, governments embark on large-scale construction of all sorts of infrastructure projects, which, in the short run, do have an impact in job creation and other positive effects. But, ultimately, what is built must have a legitimate purpose and serve a real need; otherwise, it will just lie there unused and abandoned.
This is what seems to have happened in Spain in recent years, a construction boom that produced airports, buildings and roads that, in some cases, there is no use for. Once again, the "quick-fix" was no fix at all.
In Puerto Rico, we have gone through a similar experience. Coincidentally, one of the major companies that are poised to participate in the private and public partnerships responsible for this building program comes from Spain and knows fully well what the consequences are. Still, there's money to be made, even if very little will come of what will be built.
This is what seems to have happened in Spain in recent years, a construction boom that produced airports, buildings and roads that, in some cases, there is no use for. Once again, the "quick-fix" was no fix at all.
In Puerto Rico, we have gone through a similar experience. Coincidentally, one of the major companies that are poised to participate in the private and public partnerships responsible for this building program comes from Spain and knows fully well what the consequences are. Still, there's money to be made, even if very little will come of what will be built.
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