«Caveat» Evo!

Bolivian President Evo Morales is absolutely right about being fearful of either a coup staged with U.S. support or an American effort to link him to the illegal drug trade. Can anyone even slightly familiar with the history of the U.S. in this hemisphere doubt that these are real possibilities? Of course not. On top of everything else, Morales is an Indian, and we all know how the U.S. has treated its Indians. So, why should it be any different with a lowly, Bolivian Indian who has had the gall to follow in the footsteps of Castro and Chávez, in not acting as puppets of the American government and economic interests?

Overtly or covertly, the U.S. will not rest until it gets rid of Chávez, Correa, Humala, Morales, Ortega and anybody else who dares oppose its domination in Latin America.


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