"Don Quixote" Was Right!

In Don Quixote, there is a famous line: "We have come up against the Church, Sancho!" or words to that effect, meaning that the Catholic Church is a formidable opponent. What was true in the early 17th century is still true. Sadly, the Church is as unmovable now as it was then. But, times have changed, and people are no longer so beholden to the Church. Even nuns and priests, as well as laypersons, are increasingly willing to challenge Church doctrine or directives, such as celibacy for priests, the ordination of women and married men. All around the world, in places such as Australia, Austria and the U.S., there is a growing dissatisfaction with Rome's stranglehold on the priesthood and religious orders. The Pope's claim of infallibility on these and other issues rings hollow. His and the rest of the Roman curia's credibility have been severely compromised by the pedophile scandal.

In not allowing women to be ordained and priests to get married, the Church is digging itself into the deeper hole of an ever-shrinking priesthood. Maybe this is the reason why it finds it so difficult to part with its pederasts. It could very well be that the Church prefers them to married priests or, "worse", women priests.


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