The Wrong Answer

It seems that cheating in school examinations is on the rise in the U.S., probably due to the pressure on students and teachers to do well, so that their schools receive public funds contingent on good academic performance. Students have always cheated, but the disturbing trend now is that teachers are participating in the cheating, so as to artificially improve the test scores of their students. This is what appears to be happening in close to three dozen schools in New Jersey where there is an abnormal percentage of erasures from wrong to right answers. A few other states show a similar pattern, so it's a growing trend around the country.

This is where corruption starts. Individuals learn to cheat in school, get away with it, and, pretty soon, it becomes a way of life. Anything to get ahead. People used to say that prisons are schools of crime. Now we know that schools are schools for dishonesty.


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