The Vietnam War Goes On

In a very tragic way, the Vietnam War hasn't ended. It's been almost 40 years since the U.S. ran home defeated and humiliated, but its legacy of death and destruction endures. Since 1975, more than 100,000 people have been killed or wounded by live bombs all around Vietnam, part of the 16 million tons of bombs and explosives left by the Americans. So, they left, but they are still killing "gooks" -- as they so fondly referred to  the Vietnamese --  on a daily basis.

Now, the Americans, who are generous to a fault, have contributed $62 million to Vietnam's effort to clean up its "killer fields." Of course, it's been estimated that it will take about $600 million to complete the cleanup. Meanwhile, thousands more will die because decades ago the U.S. decided to destroy a country, in order to "save" it.


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