Not So Fast, Mister!

The meeting between a group of American Senators and Cuban President Raúl Castro shows that the U. S. still thinks that it can boss people around in their own country. Showing a complete disregard for Cuban law and procedures, the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman boldly offered to take an American prisoner back to the U.S. on their plane, just like that. They just don't get that Cuba ceased to do the U.S. bidding a long time ago, at about the same time that it stopped being a big casino and whorehouse run by the American Mafia.

The Americans have been whining about this guy who went to Cuba to meddle in its affairs, while they have kept the "Cuban Five" in jail as a result of highly-irregular proceedings. If they want their agent back so badly, Senator Leahy could have brought the five Cubans with him.


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