Stick to the Script[ure]!
As if the Catholic Church didn't have enough problems, now an old priest in Illinois has been disciplined because he took some liberties with the prayers during mass, improvising some of the text. I suppose that the priest was bored to death saying the same things over and over again. (I know I was, and I only attended mass once a week.) Elsewhere, a much- younger priest resigned his position, in solidarity with the older priest.
Both of them should have known better. The Church does not look kindly on any kind of liberty or freedom. You are not allowed any deviation from orthodoxy. If you are a freethinker or free spirit, you don't belong in the Catholic Church. Either you do as you are told or you can go to hell, literally and figuratively.
Both of them should have known better. The Church does not look kindly on any kind of liberty or freedom. You are not allowed any deviation from orthodoxy. If you are a freethinker or free spirit, you don't belong in the Catholic Church. Either you do as you are told or you can go to hell, literally and figuratively.
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