Soccer as Politics

I must admit that I've never been a true fan because it implies a degree of irrationality that I can't understand and subscribe to. This is why I find it so hard to fathom how is it that something like the soccer riot in Egypt is possible.This is the kind of frightening thing that happens all over the world with some regularity, but, in this case, seems to also have a political basis.

Aside from the extreme rivalry between the teams that were playing, there appears to be an element of political unrest stemming from a group that has had a very leading role in the mass demonstrations that led to Mubarak's downfall. Though it accomplished a positive result, the group as such functions as a wild bunch of hooligans and troublemakers intent on mob rule.

Granted that the military junta in Egypt has not lived to expectations, these anarchistic and chaotic actions will only justify a tighter hold on its part, and a delay in the transition to a full-fledged democracy with authentic rule of law.


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