It Takes One to Know One

The Vatican has announced that it's going to take some steps in helping to fight the Mafia. Wow! As usual, the Catholic Church is really behind the times. The Church has had to admit that, in the past, it didn't do enough to combat this most sinister organization. And you have to wonder why. Why would the Church not condemn the Mafia and use all of its influence to denounce and expose it?

It's been said -- facetiously, of course -- that Italy has borne the only two perfect organizations in the world: the Catholic Church and the Mafia. There may be some truth to that, and it could explain why the Church has been rather "soft" on the mafiosi.  Maybe now that the Church is reeling from all these revelations about child abuse, it's looking to save face by joining, although belatedly, the fight against organized crime of the highest order.

I, for one, don't have much faith in this sudden epiphany.


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