Scalia Stumbles Supremely

See, this is what happens when people, even intelligent people, are so intent on proving their point, that they make ridiculous mistakes. Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Antonin Scalia, a bright fellow by all accounts, is so set against Obama and his health program, that, in arguing against it, he committed the unforgivable sin of any lawyer, let alone judge: he referred to a non-existent legal provision. One of the first things they teach you at law school is to be sure of what the current law is on any given subject. This means that you have to check the text and make sure that it hasn't been modified in any way. Also, you have to check if there is any jurisprudence that may have altered it.

So, Justice Scalia, who thinks very highly of himself, I'm sure, has erred egregiously for all the world to see. He has shown that, in this issue, he has let his emotions, likes and dislikes get the best of him, making a very poor showing of his judicial temperament.


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