Keeping Score
I've often said that the U.S. government is a compulsive liar; it cannot be trusted. For those who might think that I exaggerate, here's further proof. It's now been reported that the Americans are not informing all of the attacks on U.S. forces by Afghan soldiers in Afghanistan, just the ones that result in deaths. So, a lot of attacks that either miss or wound soldiers go unreported. Now, why would the U.S., the world champion of truth and transparency, fail to include this data?
The answer is obvious: it contradicts its propaganda about how it has managed to build a better Afghanistan, with the support of its people.The truth is that Afghans have a lot of gripes against the U.S. and the rest of its invaders --euphemistically called the Coalition -- and, increasingly, turn their weapons on them. One can only imagine what those people have gone through these last ten years with the American, British and French military ordering them around, while, largely, despising them.
The answer is obvious: it contradicts its propaganda about how it has managed to build a better Afghanistan, with the support of its people.The truth is that Afghans have a lot of gripes against the U.S. and the rest of its invaders --euphemistically called the Coalition -- and, increasingly, turn their weapons on them. One can only imagine what those people have gone through these last ten years with the American, British and French military ordering them around, while, largely, despising them.
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