"New" Rules?

The more they try to fix it, the worse it looks. As my son has just told me, was it really necessary to spell out to the U.S. Secret Service agents that it's unacceptable to drink excessively or go to brothels while on duty or even off-duty? One would think that these things would, in the immortal words of Jefferson, be "self-evident." Anyone with that kind of responsibility in public life cannot seriously contend that, unless these things are expressly forbidden, then they are permitted. In which case, the question becomes: Why were these things not clearly forbidden from the start?

So, now, the Secret Service has come up with what the very perceptive comedian Bill Maher calls "new rules." Frankly, it's too late. The damage has been done. The Secret Service has "exposed" itself as a bunch of frat-house guys who go around the world binge-drinking and chasing women, especially taking advantage of those places in which prostitution is legal. Not a pretty picture.


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