Racial-Profiling Indians

The Trayvon Martin case has, once again, brought to the fore the issue of racial profiling in the U.S. But, there's another side to this practice: the one that goes on at U.S. airports against, for example, people from India. The prejudice or preconceived notions toward Indians is so strong that even well-known public figures such as actors and politicians -- frequent travelers --  are detained repeatedly for a long time and body-searched, as has been the case of a woman diplomat. In the latest case, a famous Indian actor who was traveling to Yale to deliver a speech, although recognized, was held for two hours, and got there very late. In 2009, he had been subjected to the same treatment.

The Indian government is rightfully disturbed by this systematic targeting of its citizens by the U.S. authorities, and has threatened to apply the same measures to U.S. citizens. Maybe, if they strip-search Hillary Clinton, the Americans will stop harassing the Indians.


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