Garzón Lives On!
If some people thought that getting rid of Judge Garzón was the answer to their problems, they now know better. Taking a page out of Garzón's book, another Spanish judge has issued arrest warrants for six Chileans and an American, for the murder of a Spanish diplomat in 1976, during the heyday of Pinochet's regime. Although the indicted were convicted of other crimes and served their sentences, they were never formally charged with this particular murder. It remains to be seen if the Spanish government under Rajoy will pursue this matter forcefully or -- latter-day Franco supporters that they are -- they will let it slide, claiming to be too busy with the economic crisis.
Whatever the outcome, it's important that these people be, at least, fingered as conspirators and killers and shamed publicly for a crime committed 36 years ago that has gone unpunished.
Whatever the outcome, it's important that these people be, at least, fingered as conspirators and killers and shamed publicly for a crime committed 36 years ago that has gone unpunished.
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