Not Making a Big Deal of It

As a rule, I'm on the side of the poor, students and workers on most issues. But, all of them can be unfair and wrong, from time to time, resorting to violence and other tactics that I, in good conscience, can't support. This is what seems to be taking place in Mexico, where students have taken over several university campuses, as a demonstration against various policies, including one that requires them to take English and computer courses, claiming that they are not relevant to the work they will be doing when they graduate.

Although some of these grievances may have some merit, taking over the campus is not the way to deal with the controversy. At some point, one has to accept that things are not perfect or to one's liking, but one has to live with them and make the best of it. Students will come to realize that, in real life, much of what is taught or required in school and the university has very little to do with what you need to make a living. So, in spite of the shortcomings of a college education, students should focus on graduating and getting on with their lives outside academia.


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