"♪ It's Impossible...♪"
The latest assessment on the situation in Afghanistan comes as no surprise: by, 2014, when the U.S. pulls out completely, its mission won't be accomplished. The Taliban will still be there, and the country will still be as fragmented and fragile as it has always been. No matter; to remain there past that date is not a real option. It is simply too costly, and it won't make any difference. Afghans will have to sort things out by themselves, as it should be. The so-called "nation-building" is a presumptuous and, ultimately, failed strategy. The invasion and lengthy occupation of Afghanistan was a doomed proposition from the start. History should've taught the Americans that lesson. You can't bomb the hell out of people, and then expect them to work with you towards a goal of your own. Only imperialistic alienation will lead you to believe that.
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