Beer Belch
The rich and the powerful -- one and the same -- very often feel superior to everybody else and look down on them. Though they may make an effort to conceal their true feelings, once in a while, they will do or say something that reveals them. This is what seems to have happened to the Thai beer heiress whose remarks about rural people's lack of political sophistication have caused an enormous backlash against, among other things, the family business. By, essentially, calling many of her customers stupid, she has done a very stupid thing herself. Now, sales of the family beer have dropped dramatically, and the business"goodwill" has, overnight, turned into "ill will."
The woman forgot the golden rule of business. Although the people may be "wrong" politically, the customer is always right.
The woman forgot the golden rule of business. Although the people may be "wrong" politically, the customer is always right.
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