Casting Stones

Much is being made these days of the killing of the Venezuelan actress and former beauty queen and her ex-husband. It is only natural, given her fame and notoriety, as well as the country's high crime rate. But, I have the feeling that enemies of the Maduro government, both at home and abroad, have seized the tragedy to, once more, play politics. You would think that Maduro killed them both personally. This is one more thing for which to blame him; another example of his dysfunctional regime.

The fact of the matter is that we live in an extremely-violent world. Can we in Puerto Rico cast stones at Venezuela in this regard? Can Americans? Of course not. Very few countries in the world can really boast about a low crime rate. The rest of the world should stop holding Venezuela to standards that almost none of it is able to come up to.

We all have plenty to take care of in our own countries, to be so "concerned" with what goes on in Venezuela.


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