On the Right Track with CELAC

CELAC is on the right track. The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States is an organization that does what should have been done a long time ago: set our own course, free of undue influence of the U.S. Ever since the infamous Monroe Doctrine, the U.S. has treated Latin America as its "backyard", a term that speaks volumes about American attitudes toward its neighbors in this hemisphere. Thus, history shows that the U.S. has pretty much had its way in the region, intervening --mostly, on the wrong side of things -- in our countries. Many of our problems have been created or worsened by American meddling.

So, this effort is long overdue. Latin America has to start saying no to U.S. "aid" and other forms of its intervention that come with too many strings attached. Depending on American "grants" and accepting other more subtle ways of their having their greedy fingers on too many of our pies has to be put behind us, so that we can get rid of this nefarious presence in our countries' lives.

By putting together our hearts, minds and resources, we will succeed on our own terms.


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