A Respectable Minority

It seems that not all French people are or want to be "Charlie." A recent poll shows that 42% think it's a bad idea to keep teasing Muslims with Muhammad cartoons. Although it's a minority, it's a sizable one that will surely grow as time goes by and responsible and sensible people continue to speak out in favor of self-restraint and sensitivity, values that are just as important as free speech and freedom of the press.

Even if one were to hold that one has the right to offend anyone under any circumstance -- a questionable proposition, at best -- having the right to do something does not mean that one should exercise that right, regardless. There are situations in which a person who has the right to do something chooses not to, for a host of reasons, even if he would prevail in a court of law. The law is not the be-all and end-all of human existence.

The ultimate goal should be to promote peace and harmony between everyone, not score points in a debate in academia.


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