The Dark Truth
The attitude towards illegal immigrants is colored -- pun intended -- by racism and xenophobia. Let's be honest: If most illegal immigrants were white, blond and blue-eyed, this would not be an issue. There would hardly be laws about it, and their enforcement would be very lax. We would not see any street demonstrations against them, and politicians would not pay any attention to the matter. It is only because "illegals" are, invariably, black or dark-skinned, and come from poor and backward countries, that there is such a strong reaction to them. White people are terrified to have them in their midst because they might "contaminate" the gene pool by mixing with whites and breeding with other non-whites, thus increasing the dark-skin population.
All the other reasons put forth against illegal immigration are just excuses to cover up the racism.
All the other reasons put forth against illegal immigration are just excuses to cover up the racism.
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