Lies My [Defector] Told Me

Western democracies are always so eager to believe the worst about authoritarian regimes, that, whenever someone badmouths his own country, they don't bother to check his story too much. Instead, they are hailed as heroes or martyrs of freedom and human rights. This has come to pass in the case of a North Korean who had a book written and a documentary made about his ordeal at the hands of the brutal regime in his country. Not surprisingly, given the fact that North Korea is the current World Enemy No.1.

Great. Except for the fact that the guy has begun admitting that he has lied about a few things. Only after some other refugees had questioned his veracity about some of the things he claimed. Now, he says that he changed some details that were too painful to reveal, but he refuses to talk about it further. How convenient!

Sooner rather than later, we'll know the whole truth because, understandably, some people feel betrayed or duped by this guy, and they will investigate to find out the whole truth.

Which is what they should have done in the first place.


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