When "Oops" Is Not Enough

Following up on the story about how, in the late 1940s , the U.S. Government used 700 Guatemalans as human "guinea pigs" to experiment on them by injecting them with syphilis, and a few months ago, Hillary Clinton and Obama both apologized for it, at the time no mention was made of any compensation whatsoever to the victims or their heirs. Now, the Guatemalans' legal counsel has served notice that, come next Friday, if the U.S. doesn't offer their clients a decent settlement, they will go to court.

You would've thought that, upon learning of such abhorrent actions and admitting them, to the point of apologizing publicly, the U.S. would've offered those poor people some compensation, without having to be threatened with a lawsuit. But, it seems that the government thought that Guatemalans were not worth the effort, and that they would let something like this slide. Which goes to show you how insensitive Americans are, when it comes to other people's suffering. Had this happened to U.S. citizens from the mainland - except blacks and other minorities - all hell would've broken loose.


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