"The Fool on the [Sea]"

There's a lot of boastfulness and foolish bravado in these attempts to sail around the world solo, especially by the very young. There's no useful purpose to it, while the risks are enormous. It's just a stupid human trick to put oneself in harm's way just to claim to be the youngest person to achieve it. The race is on, and someone younger is always willing to risk his or her life to gain such a dubious distinction.

I think these kid's' families should have to pay a hefty sum, if their son or daughter needs to be rescued. There's a big difference between someone who finds himself in danger legitimately, and a person who takes an irresponsible risk that, more than likely, will have dire consequences. There is such a thing as "assumption of risk" in the law, and foolhardy people should bear the brunt and cost of it.


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