Now We Know.

The news now that there are fabulous mineral deposits in Afghanistan makes me think about the real reasons for the U.S presence there. If all this is true, when did the Americans find out? It seems that they've been digging all this time, based on data collected some time back. So, while fighting for "democracy and freedom", the U.S has been looking for gold and other precious metals that have been characterized as something out of The Arabian Nights.

No wonder the U.S resolve to "stay the course", as Bush used to say, because, make no mistake about it, those deposits may be in Afghan soil, but they will belong to the U.S. Witness the fact that the U.S. Army Commander has been talking about this subject, while losing the war. Obviously, it's because this is his real mission over there: making sure that nobody else gets his hands on these mineral deposits. Aside from making Karzai's already impressive wardrobe more impressive, the average Afghan won't see any improvement in his daily life from all that wealth, after the Americans get their greedy hands on it.


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