The Story of Two Tragedies
The flash flood at the Arkansas campground shows how vulnerable man is to nature, and how little can be done to prevent such disasters, even in a country as modern and rich as the U.S. is. In the land of "can do" and quick fixes, they don't even have an idea of how may people were there; consequently, they don't know how many are dead or missing. It might take weeks before they know for sure, if ever.
I find it interesting that this happens now, when the American people are up in arms on account of the oil spill, demanding that British Petroleum fix a complex problem a mile under the sea, while the U.S. authorities are unable to solve this problem on land. I haven't seen any relatives "demanding" that their loved ones are accounted for or their bodies turned over to them for a proper burial. Instead, everybody understands how difficult the task is and is willing to wait for as long as it takes.
Well, there you are.
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