Would You Believe It?

Oh, come on, now! Almost a year after the fact, unnamed "witnesses" quoted by a writer that uses a pseudonym claim that the American "hikers" detained by Iran for having entered its territory illegally were really in Iraq. The "witnesses" can't be identified because they say that they fear for their lives. How convenient! We're supposed to believe this hearsay. Can you imagine what the U.S would say, if it was the other way around?

I wouldn't put it past the families of these "hikers" to pay some Iranian hicks to come up with such a cock and bull story. Also, as I said a while back, why is it that Americans choose to go hiking in faraway places near the border of countries that the U.S. is hostile to? Don't they get some sort of warning from the U.S. State Department, which is always keeping tabs on dangerous situations for American citizens abroad?

Unless, of course, they're not really "innocent hikers", but are doing the State Department's bidding.


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