Coming to the Right Place
Things must be really bad in the Anglican Church, for five bishops to jump ship to the Catholic Church. Not only that, but there is, supposedly, a movement within the Church of England to go back to the good old days before Henry VIII in 1534. Now, ordinarily, that wouldn't surprise anyone, but anyone who even considers becoming Catholic these days should have his head examined...or chopped off, in the tradition of which those Anglicans seem so fond of. Apparently, those people that are considering the move to Catholicism are disgusted with liberal or progressive stances embraced by the Church of England, which, as everybody knows, grew out of an act of adultery.
So, if medieval thought and practice is what they're after, they will find it to their heart's content in the Catholic Church.
So, if medieval thought and practice is what they're after, they will find it to their heart's content in the Catholic Church.
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