A Common Cause
Student unrest in England mirrors our own in Puerto Rico, both caused by significant tuition hikes in an economy that provides few jobs and dwindling incomes. Students, as well as workers, are expected to bear most of the burden of a situation created by greedy businessmen and unwise government economic policies. So, students, understandably, have taken to the streets, both in London and San Juan, to air their grievances against unresponsive governments that justify these measures as "unfortunate but necessary" ones to deal with the economic "crisis." Of course, one never hears of cutting back on the privileges of the ruling class. It is only the poor and the needy who must sacrifice still more for the good of the country.
Such cynicism will not be taken lying down neither in the U.K nor here.
Such cynicism will not be taken lying down neither in the U.K nor here.
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