The Woman From Brasilia

The American media has already begun to subtly badmouth Dilia Rousseff, Brazil's President-elect.  Sensing that she will continue Lula's refusal to be a puppet of the U.S. government, it has started to list her "defects" or "shortcomings."  First and foremost, she was a Marxist and a guerrilla fighter.  No matter that it was against a right-wing dictatorship that jailed and tortured her, the latter being somewhat disputed.  On top of that, she has no manners or comes across too strongly, even with her subordinates.  She has no international experience.  The only reason why she was elected is because Lula stood by her during the campaign.  In short, she's a disaster waiting to happen.

So, from the American perspective, one is to suppose that the Brazilians have made a huge mistake in electing her by a comfortable margin.


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