The Man Who Knows Too Much

As expected, Luis Posada Carriles has gotten away with murder, both literally and figuratively. The U.S. has seen to it that he wasn't even convicted of watered-down charges of violating immigration laws. The man knows too much, and the last thing that the U.S. needs right now, after the Wikileaks revelations, is more embarrassing information about American illegal or immoral behavior at home and abroad. Thus, the special treatment accorded  a self- proclaimed terrorist such as this Cuban exile. The prosecuting attorneys must have been very naive, to think that they would succeed in convicting him, a "hero of the Cold War", of anything.

For years, Cuban exiles have bombed and killed to their hearts'content, all in the name of democracy, with the blessing of the U.S. We, in Puerto Rico, have experienced it also. Nothing comes of it because these people have done the CIA or the FBI's dirty work. They go about their business as respectable citizens and die peacefully in their beds, courtesy of the U. S. Government.


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