Assumption of Risk

Not to seem insensitive, but, people who go on hunger strikes risk their lives knowingly. It's a common form of protest, with frequent fatal results. If someone wants to die to prove a point, they should be allowed to do so. The Cuban regime is no more to blame for the death of dissidents who choose to endanger their lives this way than other countries in which this happens. There are plenty of prisoners and other protesters who seek to bring about change in their personal status or conditions in general by resorting to this strategy. Should a government change its policy simply because someone chooses not to eat and die? No country in the world will do that, and with good reason.

Once again, much is made of this, only because it's a way of pointing the finger at Cuba. When this happens elsewhere, either you don't hear much about it or all kinds of explanations and justifications are given for it.


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