Caribbean Solidarity

Here's a news item that I'm sure won't get too much air time or newspaper space. Cuba is sending close to 500 health workers to Jamaica for the next two years, to help out in that country's hospitals, which are understaffed. Jamaica took the bold step in 2008 to offer free medical care, so there has been a sharp increase in patients in those facilities.

Whatever the reason, as in other instances, Cuban solidarity with countries in need has prompted it to offer this aid. Of course, many people choose to ignore this kind of gesture because they would have to give Cuba credit for something positive, and that's a "no-no" in those circles that specialize in demonizing all things Cuban. Either that or they resort to the other usual argument: that those workers are needed in Cuba, so it's irresponsible for the Cuban government to send them out of the country.

It would be interesting to know what other countries are helping Jamaica out in this regard...


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