"Yankee, Stay Home!"

Although I wouldn't celebrate just yet, the announcement that the U.S. military will be smaller, due to economic constraints, is welcome news for the rest of the world. If this translates into fewer bombings, invasions and occupations of other countries, this would be the best news to come out of Washington in a long, long time. Americans continue to talk about their role as "leaders" of the world or their "responsibilities" around the globe, when the fact is that no one has died and named them Pope. That kind of rhetoric is just self-aggrandizing propaganda to justify their dreams of world domination. I don't know of any country in the world that asks the U.S. what to do or how to run its affairs. For better or worse, people all around the globe just want to go about their business without being told what to do by the U.S. or any other country, for that matter. Nor anyone feels that the U.S. has any special responsibility for the well-being of anybody else. This is just something that the Americans tell themselves and the rest of the world to justify their incessant meddling in other people's affairs.

So, if a shaky economy is what it takes to keep U.S. troops at home, another Great Depression is in order.


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