From Russia with Love

The U.S. Cold-War propaganda was -- and still is -- that the Russians are intrinsically evil and the Americans are of a pure heart and incapable of doing anything bad. This is why in the latest controversy between the two countries, regarding the adoption of Russian children by Americans,  the "official" line is that the Russians are wrong in stopping these adoptions, doing so as a retaliation for some U.S. decisions on an entirely different matter.

Maybe so, but it now seems that there may be a valid reason for Russian concern over these adoptions. The suspicious death of a three-year-old adopted Russian boy in Texas has all the earmarks of abuse, and according to Russian officials would be the 20th case in the last 20 years or so. If this turns out to be true, then the Russians are right in putting a stop to these adoptions, American protestations notwithstanding.


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