[N]Ego Te Absolvo

It would be funny, if it weren't tragic, how Catholic priests go about justifying or explaining their actions in the sexual department. A Brazilian priest has been accused of having sex with three underage girls some time ago. He has not denied the charges, except to point out that he did not molest the youngest of them, who was ten at the time. The other two were 13 and 15, so I guess he thinks that it was sort of alright.

This is the kind of warped mentality found in the Church across the board. One of the things that has come out of the pedophilia scandal is the way in which the Church engages in all sorts of distinctions and moral quibbling in an attempt to explain what has been going on all this time, trying to lessen it.  There have been statements to the fact that, at the time, this wasn't regarded as a crime or, very recently, that young people "provoke" priests.

The Brazilian priest's statements are part of this tradition.


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