Civil War 2010
The signing of the immigration bill by Arizona's governor is the latest in a growing trend of defiance of the Federal government. Obama is being challenged every step of the way. Whites are on the move against the Black man in the White House. They are, literally, up in arms, witness the recent demonstration in which the participants were fully armed. Secession or something worse is the next step. Certain states are saying, in effect, that they do not recognize federal authority over them, and they won't abide by Federal law. The ink wasn't dry on the health reform law, when various states' Attorneys General were suing Obama over it, in a clear sign of the disrespect that they feel for the man.
In a way, a "civil" war has begun in the U.S. Let's hope that it doesn't reach a climax similar to the one in the theater in the previous one.
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