Rest in Peace.
Free speech is a great thing, but it can go too far. A case in point is the one in which a military funeral was picketed by a"church" that, apparently, goes around protesting against soldier burials because, in their view, God is punishing the U.S. with these deaths, for tolerating "homosexuality" and other sins.
Now, although I don't hold that view, I accept that they have the right to have it. What I disagree with is the method of protest that they engage in. It is truly unconscionable that someone would go to a funeral to demean, heckle, insult or in any other way disrespect the memory of the dead. This is an outrageous abuse of the freedom of speech and assembly that no civilized society should tolerate.
What is even more outrageous is the fact that an appellate court has held that the dead soldier's family lawsuit against the church is without merit and that the plaintiffs should pay the costs and attorney's fees.
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