The Madness of Colonialism
In order to fully grasp the nonsensical nature of the piece of legislation passed yesterday by the U.S. House of Representatives on the status of Puerto Rico, one only has to consider the following. The bill calls for a two-step process to consult the people of Puerto Rico on the kind of political relationship that they want with the U.S. The first vote would be on whether they want to continue with the present status or not. Obviously, if the majority were to vote yes, there would be no need for a second vote. If the majority were to vote no, then there would be a second vote to choose between statehood, independence, free association and - guess what - the present status.
Now, would someone explain to me how is it possible to include the status rejected in the first vote, as one of the valid alternatives in the second vote? As it has been pointed out countless times, if the present status is the problem - otherwise, there would be no need to go through this process -by simple logic, it cannot be part of the solution.
Only those whose minds have been warped by colonialism can celebrate such nonsense.
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