Taking a Step Back

It could very well be that the 7-year-old Russian boy adopted by a U.S. family is a "bad seed", a future serial killer, but the way his adoptive grandmother sent him back to Russia is, questionable, at best. First of all, it is quite significant that the adoptive mother signed him over to her mother, because she found the boy unbearable. Then, the grandmother, also finds him impossible to deal with, supposedly because of his violent nature, and without contacting any American authority, gets some legal advice on the Internet and proceeds to dispatch the boy back to Russia. All this in just six months since the boy was adopted.

Adoption is a serious matter, and international adoption is only more so. People who advocate a fast - track approach to it should think long and hard about cases such as this one. There are mentally disturbed people who become obsessed with adopting, especially kids from other countries that they feel need to be "saved."

Being born to a dysfunctional family is bad enough; getting placed in one is a crime.


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