The Enemy is US.
Little by little, the U.S. seems headed for big trouble on the home front. Having focused on foreign threats for such a long time, the Americans are beginning to face an internal discontent that is turning increasingly ugly and violent.
It all started with all those town hall meetings in which people screamed at each other and at the speakers. Then, the Congressman called the President a liar, and the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, in effect, "said" the same thing. Now, it's the Christian Militia and the call for governors to resign or be "removed". It has gone from rudeness to rebellion very fast.
I've said it before: there were plenty of people just waiting for a signal or an excuse of some sort to mobilize against the "nigger" in the White House. If it hadn't been health care, it would've been something else. Anything. The trouble is it's growing and getting bolder by the day. These people are white and speak English; they don't look different or dress different. They are Americans, born and bred. And, they are out to kill.
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