Guns Over People
As a foreigner, I continue to be amazed at the egregious stupidity of the American people in their unwillingness to adopt strict gun controls across the board, in spite of these recurring massacres. If, as it has often been pointed out, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, then the U.S. is completely insane. People who claim an absolute right to bear arms based on the Second Amendment of the Constitution neither understand the law nor its historical basis. Even if that interpretation were legally correct, present-day circumstances would dictate a different approach. It is the height of hypocrisy to cry over all these dead and wounded, while, at the same time, favor that people buy as many guns and ammunition as they want. That is a recipe for the disaster that they experience and will continue to do so. If the American people were truly sorry for tragedies such as the one in Tucson, they would've done something a long time ago. As it stands, this is just one more occasion for the usual platitudes.
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