Without Honor

What the hell's the matter with U.S. Armed Forces personnel? They seem to be out of control in different ways. It's been reported that the captain of a nuclear carrier, by the name of Honors, during 2006 and 2007, used lewd videos as some sort of "training tool" for his crew. The guy is obviously a frustrated comedian, so he took advantage of his captive and subordinate audience to present a "show and tell" that featured profanity, sexual slurs, mimic masturbation and simulated nudity to get whatever points across he deemed important.

The incident, in and of itself inappropriate, points to a larger problem. This is the kind of attitude and mentality that ultimately produces the appalling behavior that the whole world has seen in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantánamo by U.S. soldiers with prisoners and civilians. Soldiers go to war as if they were going on a picnic, looking to have a good time at the expense of "the enemy" and anybody else that might cross their paths. Thus, the "fooling around' that we have all seen in photos and videos that they themselves shamelessly broadcast.

Now we know where some of it comes from.


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