"One Brief, [Tarnished] Moment"

Once again, the much-ballyhooed freedom of expression in the U.S. doesn't stand up too well under scrutiny. The History Channel has refused to air a miniseries on the Kennedys, allegedly, because it isn't factually accurate, but it seems that the real reason is that it paints an unflattering picture of them. There was even a campaign that involves people with close ties to the family that featured a signed petition to not show it.

This is the kind of personality cult thing that went on in totalitarian regimes and was constantly condemned by the U.S. Do the American people need to be protected from information that may or may not be biased or partial? If this is acceptable, then, why not suppress books that might have the same content? There are people who want to preserve not the Kennedy legacy - whatever it might be - but the Kennedy legend, at all costs. This is foolish and, ultimately, impossible. The image has been tarnished for quite some time. Camelot was never real. Neither King Arthur's nor JFK's.


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