It Matters.

The Lance Armstrong doping case refuses to go away. Aside from the fact that he may or may not have done it, what I find disturbing is the number of people who, if it happens to be true, justify it or claim that it's not important. What these people fail to realize is that, if cheating is okay in sports, why shouldn't it be right in any other human endeavor? Would they have the same cavalier attitude about someone who cheated them out of their homes or savings, just to get ahead or because "everybody does it"?  This is the kind of cynicism that partly explains why society is morally bankrupt.  I also sense that some people simply don't want to condemn Armstrong because that would disprove the legend of American superiority in sports. After all, this is a man who overcame testicular cancer and won the Tour de France seven times. If it now turns out that he didn't do it legally, all that propaganda about American supermen will go down the drain.


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