The Lone Driver

I'm all in favor of ideas that save the environment, but there are things that seem to make sense on paper, but end up being problematic in practice. This is why I'm not surprised that car-pooling hasn't really caught on in permanent fashion. There are just too many things that can go wrong, for it to be a viable alternative to driving by yourself. People have their pet peeves and idiosyncratic behavior, and giving or getting a ride from someone who is obnoxious is hell. There are just too many wackos out there, to take a chance of meeting one of them.

Also, people's cars are often as messy as their personal lives. Some look and smell like the city dump, and you wouldn't be caught dead in one of them. So, for my part, I'll continue to ride alone, sharing my mess with no one, listening to the music I like and cursing the traffic jam to my heart's content.


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