Another Chapter to the Holocaust Story

It's taken over 60 years for another aspect of the Holocaust to come to the surface: the sexual abuse of Jewish women by the Nazis. Although there are scholars who quibble about the extent of it, there is no doubt that this is another important part of the horror that Jews and other nationalities went through at the time. Only the pain and shame suffered kept most of these stories untold. Many victims took the secret to their graves; others have been reluctant to reveal such an experience, preferring to forget and go along with their lives. Still, what has come out is another troubling example of man's inhumanity to man...and woman.


  1. Rape and pillage has always been an important aspect of the behavior of invading or otherwise "victorious" soldiers. It was even commanded by the old testament god in the Jewish bible. "Oh, the 'humanity.'"


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