Buffet's Hot Plate
Warner Buffet, of all people, has come out in support of higher taxes for the wealthy, of which he is one of the top in the whole wide world. At 82, he may have come to realize that the obscenely rich should carry a bigger burden that the one they have gotten away with.
I suppose other cynical rich people could say that, at his age, he can afford to have a conscience. That he should have made this proposal 30 years ago. Still, it's a bold move by one of the richest men on the planet, one that should motivate others like him to put aside their greed and selfishness, and think of the greater good.
I suppose other cynical rich people could say that, at his age, he can afford to have a conscience. That he should have made this proposal 30 years ago. Still, it's a bold move by one of the richest men on the planet, one that should motivate others like him to put aside their greed and selfishness, and think of the greater good.
Yes, but I wouldn't hold my breath.