"Nuns on the Run"

By the looks of it, Catholic nuns are on the verge of extinction, at least in the U.S., and I suspect elsewhere. Specifically, in the health-care context, the once ever-present nuns in Catholic hospitals are no more. There are too few nuns to go around. Most of the ones that remain are old, sick and retired.

This has been a long time coming. I remember that, as far back as 50 years ago, nuns at the Catholic school I attended began to leave their teaching positions, in order to dedicate themselves to their religious duties full-time. The reason was that, as in the priesthood, there were too few new vocations. I suppose that the rigors of celibacy had a lot to do with it. People have come to understand in increasing numbers that "doing God's work" shouldn't entail living an abnormal life.

So, it has come to this.


  1. Having sex is guarantee of nothing when it comes to living a good life. Sex even makes living more complex, as it brings with it many "complications" with which we'd better learn to deal. That said, sex is an important part of being human. Celibacy denies its practitioners of that important aspect of their humanity. So, screw celibacy.


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